Emerson Air Conditioning & Heating Repair & Installation with Ra-Jac Services Texas
Our Texas Service Areas -- If you are in the Algoa, Arcadia, Bacliff, Bayou Vista, Clear Lake City, Clear Lake Shores, Dickinson, El Lago, Friendswood, Galveston, Hitchcock, Kemah, La Marque, League City, Nasa Area, Nassau Bay, San Leon, Santa Fe, Seabrook, Taylor Lake Village, Texas City, Tiki Island, or the Webster Texas areas and want a professional to service, install, or maintain your air conditioning, heating or air cleaning and filtration system contact us at (409) 945-4171.
(409) 945-4171
Driving HVACR technology innovation - Emerson Climate Technologies is the world’s leading provider of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial, and commercial applications.
They combine technically superior products and services from our industry-leading divisions and brands with our global engineering, design, distribution, installation, and monitoring capabilities to create reliable, energy efficient climate systems that improve human comfort, safeguard food, and protect the environment.
Brands - Emerson Climate Technologies' has several brands of products, services and integrated solutions they offer to our customers around the world.
Intelligent Store
Proven Success - Emerson Climate Technologies is at the forefront of industry-propelling ideas and innovations.
Emerson Flow Controls - The Emerson Climate Technologies Flow Controls Division was established back in the days when ammonia and carbon dioxide were almost the only refrigerants used – long before air conditioning had become an important part of the refrigeration industry. That is when the Alco Valve Company was pioneering the control of refrigerant flow. The only ALCO product at that time was an automatic constant pressure expansion valve for ammonia. This first valve was a great step forward in refrigerant flow – it eliminated the need for constant personal attention on refrigerating systems. ALCO's first factory was in a basement room. However, the company’s first product met with such immediate acceptance that in less than a year a larger facility was needed.
During ALCO's first year, only 500 units were produced. World War II spurred production of these controls and also the development of ALCO products for other fields. Soon, aircraft hydraulic controls and actuating devices, radio direction finders, and aircraft windshield wipers (now carried by BF Goodrich.) were in production. Throughout the war, ALCO was a proprietary supplier of refrigerant flow controls to the U.S. Navy and Maritime Commission for surface and subsurface vessels. After the war, demand for ALCO's diversified products grew rapidly. Research for new products went steadily forward, and a new concept in refrigeration control was realized with a mechanical pressure-limiting expansion valve. From drawing boards and laboratories came 4-way reversing valves, refrigerant distributors, and many other new refrigerant controls.
Emerson Electric Co. acquired ALCO in 1967; ALCO quickly began broadening its operations. Today, former Alco products are manufactured by the Emerson Climate Technologies Flow Controls Division under the Emerson brand. Emerson's main emphasis has been on technical advances and new products in the field from which it took its original name: "Automatic Liquid COntrols" for the refrigeration and air conditioning industries. Emerson is now aggressively developing control devices for new industrial and electronic markets. Hundreds of customers representing highly diversified companies throughout the world use Emerson valve, control and system protector products.
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Take the guesswork out of shopping for high quality air conditioning and heating parts for your home or office. We offer only top quality parts that the professionals are using. Let our 40+ years in the air conditioning, heating, ventilation and refrigeration industry work for you.
Ra-Jac Air Conditioning & Heating has proudly served Galveston County TX since 1966. We pride ourselves on providing top notch service on residential and commercial air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration in the Southern Texas area.
We offer prompt and courteous service on air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment.
Algoa / Arcadia / Bacliff / Bayou Vista / Clear Lake City / Clear Lake Shores / Dickinson / El Lago / Friendswood / Galveston / Hitchcock / Kemah / La Marque / League City / Nasa Area / Nassau Bay / San Leon / Santa Fe / Seabrook / Taylor Lake Village / Texas City / Tiki Island / Webster